Subsystems & Components
MBDA can reflect upon decades of missile and weapon system development. In addition to extensive know-how at system level, the European Champion and Global Player has also built up substantial competences at subsystem and component level.
Experience matters
MBDA Deutschland GmbH develops major subsystems applying advanced technologies. The challenging requirements of military applications are well understood by the highly experienced and skilled workforce. MBDA Deutschland GmbH supports its customers during requirements analysis, design, development, production and integration, as well as in terms of after sales support and obsolescence management.
MBDA provides state-of-the-art subsystem solutions in the following competence areas.
– Seekers – Data links – Warheads – Rocket Propulsion – Fin Actuators – Mechatronic Units – Navigation Subsystems – Gas Generators – Weapon Computers – Telemetry Systems – IR Scene Generation Toolset – HardWare-In-the-Loop simulation
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Warhead Systems
TDW, is a MBDA Deutschland GmbH wholly owned subsidiary and acknowledged competence center for warhead systems. More than 2 million warhead systems have been produced and delivered by today.
Propulsion Systems
Bayern-Chemie, a wholly owned subsidiary of MBDA Deutschland GmbH, is a technology leader for advanced propulsion systems, like Meteor’s ramjet rocket motor.
Data Link
The Universal Miniaturized Missile Data Link (UMMD) of MBDA Deutschland GmbH is a fully customizable, software defined radio solution for missiles.
Fin Actuation System
MBDA designs and optimizes Fin Actuation Systems with respect to thermal behaviour, environmental conditions, available power supplies and available space envelopes. The complete development cycle is mastered in house and various simulation models are employed to analyse the requirements for new actuation systems and to minimize the risks of development.
Modular Navigation Core
The Modular Navigation Core (NavCore) is a robust navigation system, which can easily be adapted to a broad range of applications. Ongoing projects and studies focus on the test and evaluation of the latest advancements in navigation technologies.
Sensor Imaging
MBDA provides the Common Future Modular Seeker (CFMS) and the i3K day sight camera, two advanced and adaptable sensor solutions, which have been designed to be used for a wide range of missile systems.
MBDA has been working for more than 20 years in the area of HardWare-In-the-Loop (HWIL) simulation and provides the simulation and test software Extensible Multi-spectral Image Generation Toolset (EMIT) as well as complete HWIL turnkey solutions.