Earle Rudolph appointed VP of Business Development for MBDA Inc.

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Following the recent appointment of the Strategy and Business Operations Vice President, John Pranzatelli, the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President of MBDA Inc. Jerry Agee approved the appointment of Earle Rudolph as Vice President of Business Development with immediate effect.

In his role Earle will provide leadership and oversight of the MBDA Inc. Business Development function and will contribute to the vision of the company’s goals to maximize revenue and growth of the U.S. based business through organic sales and partnering relationships.  Along with managing the U.S. relationship with MBDA Group Sales and Business functional organization he will provide business development and customer relationship support to MBDA Group international programs that have connections to U.S. government customers or U.S. Primes.

Earle was formerly Vice President of Business Development for QINETIQ Inc., a $2.5 billion multinational technology company.

Jerry Agee, MBDA Inc. Chairman of the Board, CEO and President, said:  “Earle brings a wealth of experience from his extensive work in the government and in the defense industry. His proven record of leading and growing international and domestic business development organizations will be essential to executing our strategic plans.


– 2006-2009 QinetiQ Inc. Vice President Business Development –Research Strategy
– 2002-2005  Alliant Tech Systems Group Vice President
– 2000-2002 Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Corporate Business Development  Manager
– 1998-2000 Raytheon Senior Manager electronic Systems Advanced Programs Division
– 1995-1998 Texas Instruments Program Manager, New Business Strategy Group
– 1991-1995 National Defense University Professor of Information Warfare and Strategy
– Earle served in the United States Navy for 22 years
– Graduated from the University of Arkansas
– Graduated from George Mason University
– He is a published Author
– He resides in Alexandria, Va. is married and has 2 children.


Faisant suite à la récente nomination de John Pranzatelli au poste de Vice President Strategy and Business Operations, le président-directeur général de MBDA Inc. – Jerry Agee – a approuvé celle d’Earle Rudolph au poste de Vice President of Business Development, avec effet immédiat.

A ce poste, Earle Rudolph pilotera et supervisera la fonction Business Development de MBDA Inc. et contribuera au cadrage des objectifs de la société, pour optimiser le chiffre d’affaires et la croissance de cette entreprise installée aux Etats-Unis, par le biais de ventes directes ou par l’établissement de partenariats. En plus de gérer les relations de la branche américaine avec la direction Commerce de MBDA, il contribuera au développement des affaires et à la consolidation de la relation client pour les programmes internationaux du groupe MBDA impliquant des organes gouvernementaux ou des industriels américains.

Earle était auparavant Vice President of Business Development chez le spécialiste international de la technologie QINETIQ Inc., entreprise pesant 2,5 milliards de dollars.

Earle possède une très grande expérience, acquise aux différents postes qu’il a occupé au sein du gouvernement et de différentes sociétés du domaine de la défense,” a souligné Jerry Agee, PDG et président du conseil d’administration de MBDA Incorporated. “Sa grande capacité à piloter et faire avancer de grandes entreprises nationales et internationales va constituer un atout majeur dans la poursuite de nos objectifs stratégiques.”


– 2006-2009 QinetiQ Inc. Vice President Business Development –Research Strategy
– 2002-2005  Alliant Tech Systems Group – Vice President
– 2000-2002 Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Corporate Business Development  Manager
– 1998-2000 Raytheon Senior Manager electronic Systems Advanced Programs Division
– 1995-1998 Texas Instruments Program Manager, New Business Strategy Group
– 1991-1995 National Defense University Professor of Information Warfare and Strategy
– Earle a servi dans la marine américaine pendant 22 ans
– Diplômé de l’université de l’Arkansas
– Diplômé de l’université George Mason
– Auteur publié
– Réside à Alexandria, en Virginie. Marié, 2 enfants.


Nach der kürzlich erfolgten Ernennung von John Pranzatelli zum Vice President für den Bereich Strategy und Business Operations stimmte der Vorstandsvorsitzende, CEO und Präsident von MBDA Inc. Jerry Agee der Ernennung von Earle Rudolph zum Vice President of Business Development mit sofortiger Wirkung zu.

In seiner Funktion wird Earle Rudolph den Bereich Business Development von MBDA Inc.führen und überwachen und zur Vision der Unternehmensziele beitragen. Ziel ist, die Einnahmen und das Wachstum der U.S.-Geschäfte durch wachsenden Umsatz und partnerschaftliche Geschäftskontakte zu maximieren. Neben der Pflege der U.S.-Kontakte mit dem MBDA-Bereich Sales and Business wird er die Geschäftsentwicklung und Kundenkontakte in internationalen MBDA-Programmen unterstützen, die Verbindungen zu U.S.-Regierungskunden oder U.S.-Generalunternehmern haben.

Earle Rudolph war vormals Vice President of Business Development bei QINETIQ Incorporated, einem multinationalen Technologie-Unternehmen mit $2,5 Mrd. Umsatz.

Jerry Agee, Vorstandsvorsitzender, CEO und Präsident von MBDA Incorporated, erklärte: “Earle bringt umfassende Erfahrungen aus seinen intensiven Arbeitskontakten mit Regierungskreisen und der Verteidigungsindustrie mit. Sein nachweislicher Einsatz bei führenden und expandierenden internationalen und nationalen Business Development Organisationen wird von wesentlicher Bedeutung sind, um unsere strategischen Ziele zu erreichen.


·2006-2009 QinetiQ Inc. Vice President Business Development –Research Strategy
·2002-2005 Vice President der Alliant Tech Systems Group
·2000-2002 Corporate Business Development Manager der Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
·1998-2000 Raytheon, Senior Manager der Electronic Systems Advanced Programs Division
·1995-1998 Texas Instruments Program Manager, New Business Strategy Group
·1991-1995 National Defense University Professor of Information Warfare and Strategy
·Earle diente 22 Jahre in der United States Navy
·Absolvent der University of Arkansas
·Absolvent der George Mason University
·Er ist Author von veröffentlichten Werken
·Er wohnt in Alexandria, Virginia, ist verheiratet und Vater von 2 Kindern


In seguito alla recente nomina del Vice Presidente di Strategy and Business Operations, John Pranzatelli, il Presidente del comitato, CEO e Presidente di MBDA Inc. Jerry Agee ha approvato la nomina con effetto immediato di Earle Rudolph come Vice Presidente del Business Development.

Nel suo ruolo, Earle Rudolph fornirà la guida e la supervisione della funzione Business Development di MBDA Inc. e contribuirà alla visione degli obiettivi aziendali per ottimizzare gli utili e la crescita dell’attività statunitense tramite vendite coordinate e rapporti di partnership. Oltre alla gestione dei rapporti statunitensi con l’organizzazione funzionale del Group Sales and Business di MBDA, Earle Rudolph si occuperà dello sviluppo del business e del supporto alle relazioni con i clienti nell’ambito dei programmi internazionali di MBDA Group correlati ai clienti statunitensi del settore governativo o industriale.

In precedenza, Earle Rudolph è stato Vice Presidente del Business Development per QINETIQ Inc., una multinazionale attiva nel settore tecnologico con un fatturato di 2,5 miliardi di dollari.

Jerry Agee, Presidente del Board, CEO e Presidente di MBDA Incorporated, ha affermato: “Earle vanta una notevole esperienza, grazie al lavoro che per lungo tempo ha svolto nel settore governativo e nel settore difesa. Le sue comprovate capacità nella guida di organizzazioni di sviluppo del business internazionale e nazionale saranno fondamentali per l’attuazione dei nostri piani strategici.


– 2006-2009: Vice Presidente di Business Development –Research Strategy, QinetiQ Inc.
– 2002-2005: Vice Presidente del gruppo Alliant Techsystems
– 2000-2002: Manager di Corporate Business Development, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
– 1998-2000: Senior Manager divisione Electronic Systems Advanced Programs, Raytheon
– 1995-1998: Program Manager, gruppo New Business Strategy, Texas Instruments
– 1991-1995: Professore di Information Warfare and Strategy, National Defense University
– Ha servito nella Marina Militare degli Stati Uniti per 22 anni
– Laurea presso la University of Arkansas
– Laurea presso la George Mason University
– Autore di opere pubblicate
– Risiede ad Alexandria, Virginia, sposato con 2 figli

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