Brimstone –When missing is not an option

2016-07-13_Apache launches Brimstone_Copyright BoeingBrimstone is a unique air–to-surface precision attack weapon currently being used in operations over Syria and Iraq by the Royal Air Force. Already demonstrated from land, sea, fast jet and remotely piloted aircraft, Brimstone provides a true multi-role/multi-platform solution and unrivalled high single shot lethality to reduce whole life cost ownership of complex weapons. MBDA recently demonstrated Brimstone from both Tornado GR4 and Reaper RPAS, achieving direct hits against targets operating at speeds up to 110 km/h.

MBDA and Boeing have successfully completed a series of physical trials and firings of Brimstone on the AH-64E attack helicopter. These firings demonstrated the capability of the weapon to guide using Brimstone’s Semi-Active Laser (SAL), Dual Mode SAL/millimetric wave (mmW) and fully autonomous mmW guidance modes.


Brimstone releases were from hovering, moving and manoeuvring/banking scenarios against Main Battle Tanks and Pickup Truck targets. Dan Girardin, Boeing Flight Test Engineer, Mesa AZ: said “The mmW autonomous shot from a moving and banking platform against an off-axis target with the missile hitting the MBT turret ring was the most aggressive shot I have seen in my 30 years of the Apache programme”

Confirming the low risk integration onto the Attack Helicopter along with the system’s Insensitive Munition compliance and Brimstone’s ability to operate in collaterally constrained environments makes it ideally suited for future Australian Attack Helicopter requirements

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