Mobile Sensor Unit
This unmanned sensor module provides the detection and identification capability and is connected to the MCU via fibre optic link for maximum throughput.
The module comprises:
• Surface surveillance radar
• Electro-optical system
Mobile Control Unit
The C2 contains the consoles from where the operators manage the surface picture and command the firing sequence:
• Highly mobile
• Maintains and manages connections with other modules and the higher echelon units
• Several means of communications including radio and fibre optic links
Mobile Firing Unit
This unit, which is connected to the MCU via radio or fibre optic link transports the missile launcher to the required location:
• Deploys 4x MARTE ER missiles
• Highly mobile
• Rapidly relocatable
Key features
Latest generation, horizon range lightweight anti-ship missile system
Fire and Forget
All weather
Comprehensive mission planning
The defence against seaborne threats to the littoral and strategic areas such as ports and refineries is a crucial requirement for national sovereignty. To meet this need, MBDA can offer the MARTE MOBILE COASTAL DEFENCE SYSTEM.
The system is based on MARTE ER, the Extended Range member of the MARTE ASuW missile family and is designed to be highly mobile, rapidly deployable and to require only low manning (for both deployment and operations).
MARTE MOBILE COASTAL DEFENCE SYSTEM features an integrated sensor module (radar, EO/IR, AIS) for autonomous operations if so required. The system concept also allows for excellent interconnection capabilities with Higher Echelon Units such as coastal surveillance networks, and existing platforms for third party targeting via a number of data links, including the most common standards for Tactical Data Links and SATCOM connections. UAV integration is also an available solution.
The basic configuration comprises:
- 1x Mobile Sensor Unit
- 1x Mobile Control Unit
- A flexible number of Mobile Firing Units, each with four missiles
- Mobile Maintenance Units (as required)
- Mobile Reloading Units (as required)
MARTE ER features a highly precise INS/GPS assisted navigation package allowing 3D waypoint guidance and terminal attacks from different azimuths at very low sea-skimming altitude with simultaneous time on target for multiple missile engagements.
Terminal guidance is provided by an advanced RF seeker to discriminate and select targets at sea with GPS accuracy for littoral targets.
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