MBDA - A Force to be reckoned with at Australia’s Premier Land Defence Exhibition

1 Sep 2016


Land Forces 008

MBDA will be at the Adelaide Convention Centre this spring for the Land Forces exhibition during the 6th to 8th of September. MBDA will be showcasing a variety of weapon systems, designed to meet the demands of the modern battlefield and future conflicts. The focus will be around Air and Missile Defence and Battlefield Engagement with the new Anti-Tank Guided Weapon MMP featured prominently on the stand.

With an ability to address a variety of targets thanks to a multi-purpose tandem warhead and three engagement capabilities of Fire and Forget, Lock on Before Launch and Lock on After Launch, MMP provides versatility and supremacy on the battlefield. MMP’s architecture and technologies allow it to fully exploit its 4km range from either a mounted or portable set up. These advantages have already been recognised with production of the system commencing in early 2016, fulfilling the contract placed by the French Army to replace it’s in service Javelin and Milan systems. MBDA’s stand will showcase the system in its dismounted tripod format and, for the first time in Australia, a high fidelity simulator allowing one to experience a realistic firing sequence, demonstrating operator ease of use and the unique capabilities of MMP.

MBDA’s Ground Based Air and Missile Defence Solution EMADS will be present at the exhibition displaying two variations of the modular missile family with CAMM and CAMM-ER. EMADS is highly flexible and designed to defeat a rapidly evolving range of airborne threats.  With interoperability and scalability a major feature of the system, providing the user with a wide range of options when selecting C4I, radars, launch vehicles and so on. The all-weather operation and MBDA’s Soft Vertical Launch technology, which minimises the unit’s IR signature, enables 360-degree engagement and provides superior force protection in all operations.

With a necessity to protect vital offshore positions or deployed forces, MBDA’s Deployable Land Based Anti-Ship Missile system is capable of denying hostile ships of reaching or threatening assets; featuring two complementary missiles, the 200 km class Exocet MM40 B3 and the 100+ km range Marte ER missiles. These fire-and-forget all weather systems can work in autonomous mode with their own radars, or alternatively, the system has the capability of data-linking to a third party within a wider coastal surveillance network for over the horizon engagements in complex environments. Enemy ships will find it very hard to defend against the low sea-skimming flight and the complex way-point manoeuvers designed to confuse and evade interception.

Mistral MANPADS is a highly portable system, easily moved by one operator. Its infra-red seeker allows the missile to be fully autonomous, a significant advantage to have when dealing with close-in and manoeuvring threats. With interception range reaching 6.5km and an unprecedented 97% success rate in all firings, Mistral can be added into an Air Defence scenario as a ground or vehicle mounted solution.

MBDA Australia is pleased to confirm it will be on Stand 1N 15 during the course of the exhibition.