MBDA Future Systems Director Bruno Verzotti delivers opening keynote speech to delegates at MCM ITP & CW ITP Conference 2021
The Complex Weapons Innovation and Technology Partnership’s (CW ITP) biennial conference comes to the UK in 2023 and is being held in Edinburgh 23rd to 25th of October.
Held every two years, the CW ITP Conference offers the opportunity to present the ongoing research projects from each of its Enduring Technology Areas, as well as its Dynamic and Disruptor projects.
Delegates – often from academia, SMEs, large enterprises and the French and UK governments - will have the opportunity to:
More details of CW ITP Conference 2023 will be provided in due course via www.cwitp.com/conference
The 2021 conference held in Nice, France was the first for the new CW ITP programme. Keynote speeches were from the UK MoD, France’s DGA, the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and Weapons Evaluation and Capability Assurance (WECA).
Amongst the wide range of projects presented were the Roxel-led Novel Coanda Thrust Vector Control (TVC), developed with UK-based S & C Thermofluids, and the MBDA and Swansea University led Novel Null Steering Antenna 2 (NNSA2) project - a low-cost GNSS anti-jam antenna.
CW ITP is a follow-on programme from the Materials and Components for Missiles Innovation Technology Partnership (MCM ITP) contracted in 2021 by the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and France’s Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA). It continues to build on the work of its predecessor, carried out for more than a decade, ensuring that Anglo-French generation-after-next missile technology remains at the cutting edge.
The Complex Weapons Innovation and Technology Partnership’s (CW ITP) biennial conference comes to the UK in 2023 and is being held in Edinburgh 23rd to 25th of October.
Held every two years, the CW ITP Conference offers the opportunity to present the ongoing research projects from each of its Enduring Technology Areas, as well as its Dynamic and Disruptor projects.
Delegates – often from academia, SMEs, large enterprises and the French and UK governments - will have the opportunity to:
- Discover how to get involved in the CW ITP programme
- Explore funding opportunities and how to apply for funding
- See the latest state of the art technology developments in guided weapons research
- Discuss technology exploitation and opportunities for pull through into guided weapon programmes
- Understand what future technologies are needed by UK and French Governments
- Meet and network with key decision makers in the defence industry, DGA and UK MoD
- Share expertise and ideas for future technology research
- Hear key note speeches from invited guests
Dan Jones, the Head of the CW ITP, said, “The CW ITP provides a unique environment within which innovation and invention can flourish. The CW ITP Conference is an ideal opportunity to showcase the outputs of such an environment, and for delegates to network and see and hear how its funding could be of benefit to their research ideas and projects.”
More details of CW ITP Conference 2023 will be provided in due course via www.cwitp.com/conference
The 2021 conference held in Nice, France was the first for the new CW ITP programme. Keynote speeches were from the UK MoD, France’s DGA, the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and Weapons Evaluation and Capability Assurance (WECA).
Amongst the wide range of projects presented were the Roxel-led Novel Coanda Thrust Vector Control (TVC), developed with UK-based S & C Thermofluids, and the MBDA and Swansea University led Novel Null Steering Antenna 2 (NNSA2) project - a low-cost GNSS anti-jam antenna.
CW ITP is a follow-on programme from the Materials and Components for Missiles Innovation Technology Partnership (MCM ITP) contracted in 2021 by the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and France’s Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA). It continues to build on the work of its predecessor, carried out for more than a decade, ensuring that Anglo-French generation-after-next missile technology remains at the cutting edge.