
Key features
High rate of fire against multiple simultaneous targets
Soft vertical launch technology for minimum launch signature and high performance
Compact missile allows for multiple weapons fit in limited spaces
Compatible with any surveillance sensor for targeting
Vertical launch enabling 360° coverage in all launch sectors
About CAMM
CAMM, the Common Anti-air Modular Missile, is the next generation air defence missile designed for land, sea and air environments.
Incorporating advanced technologies to provide complete protection against all known and projected air targets. The CAMM missile forms the core of the land based air defence version for the Royal Artillery.
The CAMM munition offers land based forces a highly effective and easily deployable, local area air defence system, as part of the Enhanced Modular Air Defence Solutions (EMADS), capable of operating as either a standalone unit or integrated within a battle space network. The use of third party target information from the wider battle space network allows the system to engage targets that are non line-of-sight from the local launcher or sensors. The light weight and compact designs allow multiple missiles to be carried by conventional wheeled vehicles.
The soft launch technology provides a true 360° air defence capability and a weapon system that can be easily concealed and quickly deployed without the need for dedicated search radars.

CAMM datasheet
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