Ways to collaborate with MBDA UK

MBDA needs to anticipate the technologies of tomorrow and achieves this through innovation, a core value of the company.

MBDA Innovation

Engaging in an ‘open innovation’ approach is an essential part of this value. We welcome collaboration with our customers, funding bodies, shareholders, suppliers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), research and technology organisations (RTO’s), universities, trade organisations, laboratories and institutes as our partners in innovation.

Through collaboration, MBDA is looking to build partnerships that deliver innovation and technical excellence. Identifying the latest technologies and emerging opportunities, with our collaborators we look to build enduring relationships that improve our products and increase our worldwide competitiveness. Ultimately, delivering against our customers’ needs now and in the future.

The following are different ways that you can collaborate with MBDA UK. Whilst not exhaustive, it gives you a guide to some of the options available:

  •  With existing relationships, through direct contact into a project, or supply of goods and services into one of our category areas;
  • MBDA External Technology Challenge – held periodically focused on specific technical challenges, these are announced through MBDA social media channels;
  • Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) – collaboration on themed competitions and open calls for innovation;
  • Complex Weapons Innovation Technology Partnership (CW ITP) – A joint UK and French governments programme funding proposals in an annual cycle to develop novel, exploitable technologies for generation-after-next missile systems;
  • Weapons Sector Research Framework (WSRF) – Established through Dstl, WSRF is a vehicle for complex, general and directed energy weapons research and technology (R&T) planning and delivery administered by QinetiQ;
  •  Via UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), or Innovate UK funding calls for more general calls that support dual-use technologies; 
  • From an innovation call via a trade body such as Make UK Defence, ADS or others;
  • Through the DASA Regional Defence & Security Clusters where they are fully operational;
  • Through the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP) offering partial grant funding;
  • Via collaborations with academic institutions and academic hubs that MBDA are involved with;
  • Via collaboration with research and technology organisations that MBDA work with, such as the Catapult Network;
  • By directly contacting us at the email address below regarding any low TRL technologies where MBDA could fund a Proof of Concept short study

Email us via: @email