MBDA is a unique multi-national European group, a world-leader in the field of complex weapon systems.
As a global player, MBDA provides efficient and precision effects complex weapon systems, which are decisive force multipliers in military operations.
MBDA is committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in defence and security.
At MBDA, we are resolutely committed to contributing to a safer and more sustainable planet.
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United Kingdom
Pour soutenir nos activités, nous sommes constamment à la recherche de nouveaux talents passionnés, prêts à mettre leur expertise au service de la souveraineté des nations.
Wir suchen engagierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die mit neuen Impulsen und innovativen Ideen technologische Entwicklungen vorantreiben. Gestalten Sie gemeinsam mit uns eine sichere Zukunft und leisten Sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Stärkung der nationalen Souveränität.
Per costruire un futuro più sicuro, siamo alla costante ricerca di talenti motivati e appassionati che desiderino contribuire all’innovazione tecnologica per la difesa dei nostri confini e della sovranità nazionale.
Explore our UK opportunities across Engineering, Projects, Manufacturing and more, and join one of our teams working together on technologies that help defend our nations.
Discover and learn about MBDA’s latest achievements to protect and preserve nations’ sovereignty and security. Here you can find and download all the press releases, web articles and photos related to our activities.
ASTER Family datasheet
ASTER SAMP/T NG datasheet